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Heraldic Symbols--Page 2

Since I can't exactly post my stories online, I figured I'd share with you all one of my other interests--the art of heraldry.  This is still a work in progress and because of memory issues I probably won't be able to put a whole lot on here, but you'll get a basic idea.

Label, Cross Moline, and Helmet

Label (notched red bar)--Sign for the first son

Cross Moline--Sign for the eighth son

Helmet--Wise defense

Chain, Horseshoe, and Maunch

Chain--A mark of honor and obligation

Horseshoe--Good luck

Maunch (sleeve)--A symbol of devotion, victory in tournament

Pheons, Arrows, and Spear

Pheons (spearhead)--Readiness for battle

Arrows--Military readiness, affliction

Spear--Devotion to honor, knightly service

Arm, Head, and Arm with Armor

Arm--An industrious person

Human head--Honor

Arm with armor--A person fit for high deeds

Hand, Heart, and Red Hand

Hand--Faith, sincerity, justice

Heart--Sincerity, truthfulness, charity

Red Hand--The mark of a Baronet

(NOTE: In Irish coats-of-arms, the open red hand is often a symbol of the province of Ulster.)

Escallop Shell

Escallop shell--Successful commander; one who has made long journeys


All content (c) Rachel Bennet 2005