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Heraldic Symbols

Since I can't exactly post my stories online, I figured I'd share with you all one of my other interests--the art of heraldry.  This is still a work in progress and because of memory issues I probably won't be able to put a whole lot on here, but you'll get a basic idea.

Crown, Annulet, and Lozenge

Crown--Regal or senior authority; heavenly reward

Finger ring or Annulet--Fidelity.  Sign of the fifth son

Lozenge--Honesty, constancy, noble birth

Anchor, Axe, and Ship


Axe--Military duty

Ship, Lymphad, Boat, Galley--Hope, a seafaring tradition

Tower, Cross, and Bell

Tower--Grandeur, society, wealth

Cross--Of Christian significance.  May also refer to families who fought in the Crusades.

Bell--The power to disperse evil

Passion Nails, Book, and Torch

Passion Nails--Poignant suffering

Book--if open, manifestation; if closed, counsel

Torch--Zealousness; a signal service

Hunting Horn, Crescent, and Sun

Hunting horn--A person of high or noble pursuits

Crescent--Hope of glory; one who has been enlightened.  Sign for the second son.

Sun--Glory, splendor, authority

Mullet, Cushion, and Estoile

Mullet (five-pointed star)--Divine quality bestowed by God.  Sign for the third son.

Cushion--A mark of authority

Estoile (a star with wavy points)--God's goodness and superiority

All content (c) Rachel Bennet 2005