Charity's Corner
  Charity's Corner | About Charity | Charity's Pics | Cornerstone Cafe | Old Stories | Heraldry--Colors and Animals | Heraldry--Plants | Heraldry--Other Charges 1 | Heraldry--Other Charges 2  

First meetings usually warrant introductions...

Hey, y'all!  My name is Rachel (but call me Charity; I like that better).  I live in a small town in the great United States of America!

I have been a minister at my awesome church (International Faith Fellowship) since I was a freshman in high school.  It's a dance/sign language ministry, which we call expression of worship, and my ministry leader, Amy, just had a baby boy (whose name is Noah Aiden) on August 8th!

Recent Events...

9/9/05--Hey, all!  I've officially moved the dollz to a new website--don't worry, I'll still have some of my favorites here on the site!  On this new site, I've also got the full HTML codes for the dollz posted, so you can copy and paste the code right into your own website!  Check out Psygirl now!

9/2/05--Site updated, more dollz added.  Now I have ANGEL DOLLZ--so pretty!

I am seriously considering moving the dollz to another site--since #1 Colony only allows GIFs and JPEGs, the images are a little blurry, and other providers will let me put up nice, crisp BMPs.  Also, I think I'll shut down the Psy-Net Webplay, since school starts in five days and I really won't have time to work on it.

9/1/05--Site updated, more dollz added.

8/31/05--Site updated.

8/30/05--"Dollz" added.  These images are FREE--you CAN take and put them on your own website!  Instructions are on the page (if you're using #1 Colony, you'll need to switch into HTML editor to use them).

If I get really savvy with the dollz, I might move them to another website...I'm still mulling that one over.  If I do move them, I'll let you all know!

8/23/05--My birthday lunch with Eli.  And site updated...the collection has a name now!  Ooh, ahh...

8/22/05--Happy birthday to me...bleh.  Sweet 16 today!  Me now has an iPod...whoever invented the clicker wheel is doomed...DOOMED, I say!

8/19/05--Major site overhaul!  Check out the new layout!

I am badly stressing about college...yup, almost sixteen and already stressing.  I'm due to take my SAT's THIS FALL!  AAUGH!  (I still don't know what career I'm gonna pursue, let alone what colleges I want my SAT scores sent to!)  *gasp* *panic* *hyperventilate*  Paper bag...I need a paper bag...

8/17/05--Amy had her baby on August 8, people!  His name is Noah Aiden.

5/27/05--My friend Elizabeth turned sixteen yesterday!  Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!!!

4/7/05--Amy found out she's having a baby boy!

4/1/05--Ebony's colt Merlin was born!

3/25/05--Site created!  Welcome to the world!

The Art of Heraldry!

Check out the Heraldry pages to see the meanings of the more common heraldic colors and charges, or skip on over to "Charity's Pics" to see coats-of-arms that I've designed!

Site Map

Visit the "About Charity" page to see what's up with me, my life, my times...y'know, all that boring stuff that you don't really care about, hehe.

Visit the "Charity's Pics" to see art collections, coats-of-arms (which may eventually move to their own page)...whatever!

Visit "Cornerstone Cafe" for stories about my life and anecdotes from me, and "Old Stories" for a couple stories that were too old to stay in the Cafe!

Check out "Dollz" if you want some cute images to put on your own site--instructions are on the page!

And if you're looking for info about the art of heraldry, better stop by any page titled "Heraldry".  (Wow, that was a brainteaser, wasn't it?  Hehe...)

A Note from Me

I am a Christian, and I am not going to apologize for saying that.  This site is thoroughly Christian and I hereby promise that there will be no objectionable content so long as it is under my control.  Regrettably, I cannot control the ads, and I apologize now if anything offensive is advertised on this site.  Enjoy the site and God bless!




Check it out!

My brand-new five-piece collection of original art is now up on my Pics page!  The collection title is "Kilcalia".  Please respect my work and do NOT copy it!

Drop me a line!

All content is (c) Rachel Bennet 2005