Old Stories from Cornerstone Cafe
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The Resting Place of the Old Anecdotes...

When I run out of room, the old stories from Cornerstone Cafe come here!  So if you want to peruse any details about my past--or if my friends need material to make fun of me for--just stop by!

Me at Christmas 2004

I promise I'll get some pics of my friends up soon!


A quick review of the characters...

Rachel--Me, the wonderful, the fabulous...the accident-prone.  I also tend to follow in Simon Peter's footsteps in that I often demonstrate how I get my abnormally large feet into my even bigger mouth.

Chris--Joined Colorado Christian Academy one semester after I did.  We didn't speak much until our freshman year of high school; now we're swell friends.

Justin--Chris's best friend (or at least a close facsimile).  One year younger than Chris and I.  Behaves mostly like your typical teenage guy.

John--Amy's husband, our youth pastor, and the principal/teacher of our school.  While his sense of humor is a little warped at times, he's always there to dole out advice.

Amy--Hearts of Fire leader and co-pastor of Generation of Destiny Youth Group.  She's the fun behind GOD Youth Group; she comes up with the games and the music.  We all love her.  She's awesome.

Abby--John and Amy's seven-year-old daughter.  Your typical seven-year-old.  Her antics amuse us.

Isaac--Abby's two-year-old brother.  I wonder if he has any idea he's about to be a big brother...

Pastor Fred--The patriarch.  NOBODY mouths off to Pastor Fred.  Well, one person did...we never saw him again...

Sister Karen--Pastor Fred's wife.  The matriarch.  She has a way of coercing you into helping with things...like helping her and Pastor move into their new house...something which Chris and I undertook in our freshman year...

Michael--Chris's little brother, one or two years younger than us.  No longer attends CCA/RMCA, but shows up from time to time.  A short fuse, a massive ego, and serious authority issues.

Jamie--The "OH...MY...G!" girl.  Tall, blonde, fun-loving, accident-prone, and obsessed with goats and miniature horses.  (Visit her website, baaababyminis.1colony.com)

Stephanie--The "YOU STUPID MORON!" girl.  She's been one of my best friends since seventh grade and introduced me to Jamie.  A little dark, a little scary at times...maybe a little crazy (she once spoke to squirrels, don't ask)...

Elizabeth--My oldest friend--we've known each other since fifth grade.  We know too much about each other to NOT be friends anymore.  A genius with the piano, I can tell this girl ANYTHING.  (Oh, and she LOVES the music of Steven Curtis Chapman...)


St. Patrick's Day


I think St. Patrick's Day traditions (like wear green or get pinched) were invented by somebody who hated their friends...

Walking out of the school at the end of the day, I found myself trotting down the stairs with Chris just in front of me.  He stopped in the foyer and turned to me.  I blinked nonchalantly at him.  (I was wearing a cream-colored shirt with a red long-stemmed rose on the front surrounded by a barbed-wire heart.  This will become important.)

"Hey, today's St. Patrick's Day, huh?" Chris asked.

"Yup," I nodded.

"Heh, I forgot," he remarked.

"Yup."  What was I supposed to say?

"Well, you know the rule about St. Patrick's Day, right?" he asked.

"That if you don't wear green, you get pinched?" I blinked.  He couldn't possibly pinch me, since the stem and leaves on the rose were green.  And if he did, he was going to get chased out of the school with my backpack thudding into his head.

"Well, yeah, that, but if you wear red on St. Patrick's Day," he grinned, "you get a kiss."

All the color left my face.  There was no way that was happening with my mother parked just outside.  "Interesting..." I murmured, striding purposefully past him.  "See ya, then."

I relayed this story to my friends Jamie and Stephanie later on.  Their reaction are the really amusing part of this anecdote.


Jamie: "OH...MY...G!"


This is the Cornerstone Cafe kitchen!

Yes, the kitchen...

Jamie and Peanut

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the "OH...MY...G!" girl and her miniature horse, Peanut!  I've known her since Halloween 2003...I think it was 2003...wow, time flies...

All content (c) Rachel Bennet 2005