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News Updates!

We are now in the process of DEMANDING that our house be finished!  It is AUGUST 19th!  I want to live in my house!  WAAH!

School starts again on September 7th--and yes, that is a Wednesday.  Our test days are now in the middle of the week.  This should be fun...

I turn sixteen on August 22nd.  And no, I do not get my driver's license when I turn sixteen, thanks for reminding me.  State law requires me to have my learner's permit for one year--and I got my permit in March.  Stupid state laws...hehe....My friend Elizabeth and I are talking about going out for lunch.  Yup, that's my big "Sweet 16" plans.  I stopped being a birthday person when I reached double digits.

Joke of the Week

This actually happened to me...

I was on a censored chat board watching people tell their favorite "dumb blonde" jokes.  (I may be an a-stereotypical "smart blonde", but I can have a laugh.)  After several jokes had been typed and received with "LOL"s, a new user jumped into the fray with this message:


Hee-hee, I'll let you fill in your own response...


Biographical Summary

I became a Christian when I was an eighth-grader at a tiny Christian school in the attic of what is now my church.  Since then, I have become active in my youth group (Generation of Destiny Youth Group, run by my teacher and my ministry leader), joined the ministry team at my church (Hearts of Fire Worship Team), and jumped headfirst into God!  I listen exclusively to Christian and Celtic (instrumental) music, and I am one of the lead choreographers in Hearts of Fire.  (Check out my Photo Page for lists of bands I like!)  I am looking to be even more active in ministry outside my church.

Now, I am a member of the last class of Colorado Christian Academy (not affiliated with Colorado Christian University).  My only other classmate is now a sixteen-year-old young man named Chris whom I adore as a human being and a Christian.  And for the pure amusement of my friends, I shall now list him as my official unofficial boyfriend.

If you want more, check out "Cornerstone Cafe"!

All content (c) Rachel Bennet 2005